When you perform a search in Taylor and Francis Online, the database returns a list of results that match your search terms.
1. The search for badgers AND tuberculosis returned 260 results.
2. Results are sorted in order of relevance to your search terms. Click the down arrow to see other options for sorting your results.
3. By default, only 10 results per page are displayed. You can change this to 20 or 50, if desired.
4. Tick the Only show content I have full access to box to see only results you can access in full-text. (Your results list will still contain open access results).
5. A tick icon or an open padlock icon indicates the full-text of an article is available for viewing/downloading.
6. Use the filters on the left to refine your results. Note that the filters available vary from one set of results to another - for example, if all the articles are from the same journal or couple of journals, you may not see a publication filter. Most of the time you will be able to filter by article type, subject, journal, publication date and language.
7. You can narrow your results set even more using the advanced Modify your search options.
8. Click on the Abstract link to see a summary of the article and quickly find out if it is useful to you.
9. Click on the title link or Full-Text link to go to the article's home page.
From an article's home page you can:
1. View and/or download a PDF version of the article
2. Listen to the article. To listen to a specific part of the journal only, highlight or hover over that part and click Listen.
3. View a list of the article's references and a list of other articles that cited the article.
4. Find new or better keywords to use in future searches.
5. Find similar or related articles.
6. Search within the journal.
7. Go to the journal home page.