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Guide to using JSTOR

Advanced Search

With Advanced Search you can easily build a more targeted search query.  To go to JSTOR Advanced Search , click Advanced Search above the Basic Search box.

1. Click on the Advanced Search link below the Basic Search box on the JSTOR home page.


2. Enter a keyword.

3. Select a field to search. 

4. Enter additional keywords connected by Boolean operators (AND OR NOT NEAR).

5. Select Content I can access to limit your search to full-text documents.

6. You can choose to limit your search to a specific item type or types.

7. You can also limit your search to documents in a specific language.

8. If desired, limit your search to documents published in a date range.

9. You can choose to limit your search to documents from a specific journal.

10. You can also limit your search to a specific discipline.

11. When you have finished building your search query, click the Submit Advanced Search button.

JSTOR will return a list of results matching your search specifications.

Video Tutorial: Avanced Search on JSTOR