When you perform a search in Wiley Online Library, the database returns a list of results that match your search terms.
1. The search for badgers AND tuberculosis returned 4248 results.
2. Results are listed in order of relevance. Click the Sorted by down arrow to sort by Date instead.
3. Select Journals from the Publication Type options to limit your results to documents with full-text access.
4. Narrow your search by date range.
5. Limit your results to a specific subject area or topic. Click on the + icon to view sub-topics for a subject.
6. Limit your results to a specific publication.
7. Limit your results to a specific author.
8. View the abstract of an article.
9. Click on the article's title link to read the article online.
10. Click on the PDF icon from inside an article to download a PDF copy of the article.
11. Use the Related tool to find similar articles and the Information tool to view author supplied keywords.
12. Click on the journal image to the it's home page.
13. Click on Refine Search to open an Advanced Search form and refine your search more.