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Referencing, citations and avoiding plagiarism (MTU Kerry): MTU Kerry's Referencing Style

Referencing, citations and avoiding plagiarism (MTU Kerry)

MTU Kerry Recommended Referencing Style (Harvard Anglia Ruskin)

Following a decision by the Academic Council in June 2015, MTU Kerry adopted the Harvard Anglia Ruskin Referencing Style for citations and references. There are links below to both the main Harvard Anglia Ruskin Referencing Style Online Guide  -  which is a searchable online resource  available through the Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Library web page. The ARU Library web page also includes a quick reference online resource with examples of some of the most commonly used citations and references.

The searchable online guide is the source to consult for correct examples of how to create citations and references for your sources. The guide has two sections. Main Guide Part I In-Text Referencing shows how to cite a reference in the text of an essay.

Main Guide Part II The Reference List includes instructions for each of the main source types such as books or web pages. 

Source: Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Library web page


There is also a link on this MTU Library Referencing Library Guide page to the MTU Library Brief guide to citations and referencing. This guide covers a wide number of frequently used referencing examples, including some specific examples of how to reference items accessed via the IT Tralee website. All examples are based on the Harvard Anglia Ruskin University Library Referencing Style.

Online Guide to Referencing

MTU Kerry Library: Brief guide to citations and referencing

This is a summary 8-page guide on citations, referencing and avoiding plagiarism. It includes 33 examples of the most commonly used citations and references, using mainly items that can be sourced in the MTU Kerry Library or online via our subscribed databases.  The guide is based on the Anglia Ruskin Harvard Referencing Style Main Online Guide, as well as Anglia Ruskin's Brief Guide and library web page content. The guide also includes a definition of plagiarism from the MTU Kerry Anti-Plagiarism Policy and Procedure document, as well as details on the different types of plagiarism as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Harvard Anglia Ruskin Referencing Online Guide

It should be noted that wherever the ARU online guide states Available through: Anglia Ruskin University Library website you will need to replace this with Available through: MTU Kerry Library if you have accessed the resource via an MTU Kerry Library subscription database. See the MTU Kerry Library: Brief guide to citations referencing and avoiding plagiarism for examples of referencing e-books and journal articles accessed through the MTU Kerry Library website.  

Print copies of Referencing Guides

Print copies of the online guides featured on this page are available through the MTU Kerry Library. This includes:

Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing (ARU)  -  2 page A4.

MTU Kerry Library Brief Guide to Citations and Referencing  -  8 page A5 booklet.

MTU Kerry Library Guide to Secondary Referencing  -  2 page A4.


The main ARU Library Guide to Harvard Referencing print guide is no longer updated or available online.                                                         

However we do have copies of the final published version of the guide available in the library on request.                                                           

This is the April 2019 6.12 Version of the guide (64 page A5 booklet).

Please note however that the online guide is now the definitive source for the ARU Harvard Referencing Style.               


Harvard Anglia Ruskin Quick Guide to Harvard System of Referencing: Basic Concepts

This one page Guide is designed as an introductory guide to help you start using the Harvard System of Referencing.
It introduces the concepts that you will need to create references, identifying the key pieces of information that you will need when
referencing six of the most common resources.
It includes examples of a correct reference for: a book; a journal article; an e-book; an e-journal article; a website and a PDF.