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Referencing, citations and avoiding plagiarism (MTU Kerry): Word 2013 bibliographic tool

Referencing, citations and avoiding plagiarism (MTU Kerry)

Microsoft Word Referencing tool

Microsoft Word's Referencing tool is an easy-to-use tool that assists with creating citations, bibliographies and reference lists for your documents. A brief introductory guide can be found here.  

It is important to note that while the output from the Microsoft reference tool will generally be accurate it is not error proof. For example you may put information in the incorrect field in which case it will display incorrectly. It is important therefore to always check your citations and reference list for accuracy before submitting your work. 

There could also be slight differences between different editions of a Referencing Style. We use the Harvard Anglia Ruskin Referencing Style 6th ed. (version 6.1.2 April 2019), while Microsoft Word uses the 4th edition. However this should not affect your citations and referencing as the basic underlying rules are the same for both editions.


Bibliographies, Citations and Reference Lists in Word

A useful support video can be found at the following link. Please remember to choose Harvard Anglia Ruskin rather than MLA which is the style selected  in the video: Creating a Reference List (or Bibliography) in Microsoft Word 2013

Using the Referencing Tab in Microsoft Word

Using Harvard in Microsoft Word