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Guide to using ScienceDirect

Basic Search

The Basic Search box is available from the ScienceDirect homepage.  Basic search is useful for beginning your research or scoping a topic. 


1. Enter at least one of the following search terms:

  • keyword
  • the title of a journal (not article!)
  • the name of an author

2. Click the Search button.


Search Tips:

    Use Boolean Operators (AND OR and - ) to connect your keywords together and narrow or broaden your search

  • AND finds results containing both keywords e.g.badgers AND tuberculosis.  
  • OR finds results containing either one or both keywords e.g. badgers AND (tuberculosis OR TB) 
  • NOT excludes a keyword from your search results e.g. badgers AND tuberculosis AND vaccination -oral.  Warning: using - can result in your search not returning  some results that are relevant.
  • Use quotation marks (" ") to search for a phrase or words together in an exact order e.g. badgers AND "Irish greenfield study"