The Basic Search box is available from the ScienceDirect homepage. Basic search is useful for beginning your research or scoping a topic.
1. Enter at least one of the following search terms:
the title of a journal (not article!)
the name of an author
2. Click the Search button.
Search Tips:
Use Boolean Operators (AND OR and - ) to connect your keywords together and narrow or broaden your search
AND finds results containing both keywords e.g.badgers AND tuberculosis.
OR finds results containing either one or both keywords e.g. badgers AND (tuberculosis OR TB)
NOT excludes a keyword from your search results e.g. badgers AND tuberculosis AND vaccination -oral. Warning: using - can result in your search not returning some results that are relevant.
Use quotation marks (" ") to search for a phrase or words together in an exact order e.g. badgers AND "Irish greenfield study"