Using ScienceDirect Advanced Search you can easily build a more targeted search query using multiple Boolean operators. To go to Advanced Search, click on Advanced Search to the right of the Basic Search box on the ScienceDirect homepage.
The advanced search form allows you to specify one or more pieces of information to find relevant documents in ScienceDirect. No field is mandatory, but you must enter searchable information in at least one field.
1. Enter your keywords connected by Boolean Operators AND, OR and - (NOT) in the Find articles with these terms field.
2. To limit your search to a specific journal, enter the journal title in the In this journal or book title field. If you don't specify a journal all journals will be included in your search.
3. To find documents published in a specific year or years enter the year or range of years in the Year(s) field. Leave this field blank if you want to find documents from all years available.
4. To search for documents by a specific author enter the author name into the Author(s) field. To exclude an author from your search enter a minus sign before the authors name e.g. -Birch.
5. If desired, you can specify additional keywords to be searched in the Title, abstract or author-specified fields of documents.
6. If you know the issue, volume, pages or ISSN details of a specific journal you want to search, you can add this information also.