With a ScienceDirect personal account you can:
To register for a free ScienceDirect account click on Register in the top right of the screen.
Enter your email address and click Continue
Fill in the form and click Register
You will receive a confirmation email when your account is created.
You can log into your account and/or reset your password by clicking Personal Sign In in the top right of the screen.
How to register for a personal account
A search alert will automatically re-run your search and notify you of updated search results.
Follow these steps to set up a search alert:
1. From your search results page, click on Set Up Alert.
2. Give your search alert a name.
3. Choose how often you want to receive updates.
4. Click Save
Alerts will be sent to the email address you registered for your ScienceDirect personal account.
You can change your email address by clicking on your name icon in the top right of the screen and updating your account details.
You can manage your search alerts from your account.
Click on your name icon at the top of the page.
Select Manage alerts from the drop down menu.
Go to the Search alerts tab and find the saved search you want to manage. Click on the Edit icon to change the alert name and/or frequency. Click on the Delete icon to remove the alert from your account.