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Guide to using ACM Digital Library


Basic search is useful when you are beginning your research or for finding background information on your topic. The Basic Search box is available at the top of the ACM Digital Library (DL) homepage.  Basic Search allows you to search for publications, people or content.

1. Start entering your keywords into the search box. 

2. A list of options will appear, click on one to select it or continue typing your search terms.

3. Click the Search icon (magnifying glass).

Search Tips:

    Use Boolean Operators (AND OR and NOT) to connect your keywords together and narrow or broaden your search

  • AND finds results containing both keywords e.g. security AND data 
  • OR finds results containing either one or both keywords e.g. security AND (data OR information
  • NOT excludes a keyword from your search results e.g. security NOT data.  Warning: using NOT may result in your search not returning  some results that are relevant.
  • Use quotation marks (" ") to search for a phrase or words together in an exact order e.g. "artificial intelligence" AND animation.