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Guide to using ACM Digital Library

Search tips

By using these advanced search techniques, you can increasereduce or improve the relevancy of your search results, making it easier to find the right materials. 

Operator Example Finds results with...
AND security AND data both the word security and the word data 
OR security OR data either the word security or the word data
NOT or - security NOT data the word security but not the word data
Phrase "information processing" the words in the exact order - e.g. information processing but not processing of information
? (Wildcard) b?t

bot, bet, bat, bit

replaces any single unknown character. Wildcards cannot be used at the start of a search term or when searching for phrases within quotes.

* (Wildcard) autom*

automatic, automation, automated

The * replaces any number of unknown characters.  Useful for searching for words with different endings. Wildcards cannot be used at the start of a search term or when searching for phrases within quotes.

Special characters

+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : /


These characters have a special meaning when used as part of a search string.  To force Search to look for the character put a back slash in front of it.

e.g. real \-time to find real-time




Wildcard Searching