With Advanced Search you can easily build a more targeted search query. To go to IEEE Xplore Advanced Search , click Advanced Search under the Global (Basic) Search box.
This opens the Advanced Search Options page, with the Advanced Search tab already selected.
1. Click in the first text box and enter a keyword. The keyword can be a subject term, author's last name, or phrase
2. Limit your search by selecting a specific field from the drop‐down menu next to the text box. Hint: Try using All Metadata to begin with and trying different fields if you need to expand or narrow your search.
3. Add more keywords to your search query. Use AND, OR or NOT to connect your search terms.
4. Use the arrows to the right of the search query boxes to add, delete or move search terms.
5. You can choose to limit your search by date range.
6. Click Search
IEEE Xplore will display a list of search results matching your search query.