The Command Search page allows you to enter a free-form search query using data fields and Boolean operators.
You can enter a maximum of 25 search terms per search clause, use proximity operators, and exert more control over the order in which expressions are evaluated.
1. Go to the Advanced Search page and select the Command Search tab.
2. In the Command Search area, click in the text box.
3. You can limit your search by using the Data Fields drop-down menu to select a field. Otherwise, IEEE Xplore defaults to searching all fields (metadata) for a keyword.
If you specified a field name, enter a value for the field (for example, "Authors":jones). Otherwise, enter a keyword.
4. Combine multiple search expressions as needed. Use the Operators drop-down menu to define the relationship between search expressions, using the following syntax:
search_expression <operator> search_expression
where search_expression is "field name":value or keyword (including keyword 1 keyword 2 ... keywordn or "keyword phrase") and <operator> is an operator listed in the Operators drop-down menu.